Support Groups


Meeting Locations

Howard County: The Owen Brown Interfaith Center, 7246 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, MD 21044
Baltimore County: Divinity Lutheran Church, 1220 Providence Road, Towson, MD 21286

What Can You Expect at a Community Meeting?

At every PFLAG meeting or event, you will find people who are at differing stages in their lives and in the understanding, acceptance, and support of their loved ones. Meeting agendas vary month to month and group to group but usually include:

  • Support Discussions
  • Educational Activities Such as a Guest Speaker, Panel Discussion or Topic of the Month
  • Discussion of Advocacy Efforts In The Local Community on Behalf of the LGBTQ+ Community
  • Groups Led By Trained Facilitators
  • Conversation In These Groups Is Considered Confidential and Not Discussed Beyond the Room
  • Refreshments and Social Time

Hope to see you soon!!!!


Trans Adult Support Group

For Trans People 18 and Older
Every first and third Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
Contact Suzi at 

Parent Support Groups

For Parents of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer or Questioning Children of All Ages
When: Every second Tuesday, as an optional break out session to the general meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Where: Virtually
Contact: Judy Gaver, 443.244.2477 or 

For Parents of Trans and Gender Creative Children
When: Every fourth Tuesday, 7:30 p.m
Where: In person at the Owen Brown Interfaith Center and virtual.
Contact: Judy Schiffer at 

Support for Parents of Trans and Gender Creative Children
When: Every second Wednesday from 7:00pm-8:30pm
Where: Divinity Lutheran Church 1220 Providence Rd Towson, MD 21093.
Contact: JoAnne at 

Youth & Young Adult Support Groups

Rainbow Youth and Allies
What: A social group for LGBTQ+ youth and their friends, ages 12-17 in a safe space.
When: Every second and fourth Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Located at the Owen Brown Interfaith Center. Contact Suzi at to inquire about joining!

Rainbow Young Adults + Allies (RYA+)
What: The RYA+ is the newest community support group offered by PFLAG Columbia / Howard County. The Rainbow Young Adults + Allies group is built to support LGBTQ+ young adults aged 18 to 25 who are just starting out in their adult lives. Whether it’s college and grad school or starting a career and managing personal finances, the RYA+ is the best fit for all their needs. We are offering free mentorships by industry professionals, community leaders, and other professionals that are happy to coach, train, and encourage our members as they work to meet their goals.
Where: Owen Brown Interfaith Center (OBIC)
When: Every First Friday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm

Rainbow Youth and Allies
When: Every second Wednesday from 7:00pm-8:30pm
Where: Divinity Lutheran Church 1220 Providence Rd Towson, MD 21093.
Contact: Lisa at 

Interested in starting a new support group with us?

If you’re interested in starting a new support group with our chapter, please contact Chris Hefty at