PFLAG Columbia-Howard County is a tax-exempt nonprofit 501(c)(3)organization. Memberships and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
Becoming a member of the chapter automatically makes you a member of the national organization. With any membership and donation, we will add you to our email list. Membership benefits are identical across all levels of support. The more you can support us, the more we can support others. Thank you!
What comes with your membership? Tax deductions, member ticket prices at our events, access to our newsletter, the support of LGBTQIA+ people and their friends + families, and one free trainings for your place of business or organization (upon request.)
Use a credit card, debit card or checking account, and cancel at anytime. The minimum contribution to receive membership is $20 a year. If you would like to donate monthly or on a yearly basis you will be able to choose and manage your contributions via our PayPal checkout.
Individual Donations
Prefer a one-time donation by credit or debit card?
- Give through our PayPal portal.
- Give to us through the United Way: Organization I.D. 1320229.
To join or donate with a check, please include: Name, Email Address and Zip Code
Mail to: PFLAG Columbia-Howard County | P.O. Box 1479 | Columbia, MD 21044
Support us through your purchases at Go to and choose PFLAG Columbia-Howard County as your charity.
Lifetime Membership
Support PFLAG Howard County as a lifetime member with a one-time gift of $1,000. Benefits include complementary tickets to all HoCo Pride events, access to information regarding programs, services, direct actions, special events information, volunteer opportunities and so much more. Click the link above to make a secure, on-line donation to activate your membership now. For more information contact Chris Hefty at
Jill Joubert – Lifetime Member – 2019
Todd Rey – Lifetime Member – 2020
HorseSpirits Arts Gallery – Lifetime Member – 2020