Education Programs
Our Scholarship is CLOSED but will return soon!
Check last year's scholarship info to prep for next year:PFLAG Columbia-Howard County Scholarship for Outstanding LGBTQ+ and Allied Students
- To recognize outstanding lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer plus (LGBTQ+) and allied students.
- To encourage the pursuit of post-secondary education for self-identified LGBTQ+ students and allies.
Scholarship Offered:
- The PFLAG Howard County Excellence in Education Scholarship for Outstanding LGBTQ+ and Allied Students
- Amount of Scholarship: $2,000.00
- Self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer plus (LGBTQ+) or as an ally who demonstrates outstanding support directly to the LGBTQ+ community and supports equality for all.
- A resident of the state of Maryland who is currently attending, or planning to attend, a post-secondary educational institution during the 2022-2023 academic year, – or –
A student currently attending, or planning to attend, a post-secondary educational institution in the state of Maryland during the 2022-2023 academic year. Maryland residency not required if attending a Maryland educational institution. (Colleges/Universities, Trade Schools) - You must complete the application IN ITS ENTIRETY including all required supplemental forms (incomplete applications will not be considered).
- You cannot be receiving full tuition remission from other sources to fund the education (e.g., other full-tuition scholarships, established college trust fund, etc.)
- You cannot be a prior recipient of the PFLAG Columbia – Howard County Scholarship.
**All information is confidential and will only be shared with the scholarship committee**

Submission Deadline
Deadline and Terms of Award:
If submitting by mail, the completed application must be postmarked by May 31, 2023 and mailed to:
PFLAG Columbia – Howard County
Attention: Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 1479
Columbia, Maryland 21044
Otherwise, applications and all supporting materials must be received by 11:59 PM, June 1, 2023. You can submit your application by email at any time to Use the Subject Line “2023 Scholarship Application Submission” when sending materials. The Scholarship Review Committee will review all applications and make their final decision in the first two weeks of June. All decisions will be sent in the mail. Recipient(s) will be announced in various press releases and other print or online media. The scholarship recipient is responsible for providing PFLAG Columbia/Howard County with a copy of the acceptance letter for the intended post-secondary institution they will be attending. The award will be sent directly to this academic institution and will be sent in $1,000.00 increments (fall and spring semester).

Trainings and Workshops
PFLAG hosts a multitude of trainings and workshops for various businesses, organizations and government entities in Maryland. If you would like us to provide trainings or organize workshops for your organization please contact us at
PFLAG Columbia-Howard County Speakers Bureau
Engagement is one of the most effective ways to create change. Sharing the story of life has constantly helped open people’s minds, dismantled harmful myths and stereotypes, evoked empathy, and provided real life context to the intersectionality of our struggles. Join us in our ongoing effort to educate and inform the public and create unassailable safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community.